How Our PMs Work

Timely Execution and Monitoring

Timely execution is critical to the success of any warehouse project. Mainway Handling’s project management team oversees the implementation process, closely monitoring each stage to ensure that timelines are met and potential issues are addressed promptly. Regular updates and communication keep you informed and in control throughout the project lifecycle.

Quality Assurance and Testing

Before your warehouse project goes live, Mainway Handling conducts rigorous quality assurance and testing processes. This includes testing the functionality of integrated systems, ensuring that all components work seamlessly together. Our commitment to quality guarantees a smooth transition from planning to operational excellence.

Technology Integration

Modern warehouse operations rely on reliable and accurate technology. Our project management includes seamless integration of technology solutions such as Warehouse Management Systems (WMS), inventory tracking tools, and automation systems. This ensures that your warehouse operates at the forefront of industry standards.

Our committed project managers will be your single point of contact throughout the entirety of the project, while their capabilities ensure your project is completed on time and on budget

What They Manage

  • Sub-Contractor Coordination
  • Site Supervision
  • Executing & Monitoring
  • Permits & Approvals
  • System Testing
  • Equipment Management
  • Protocols & Safety
  • Scheduling & Shipping
  • Pre-Start Health & Safety
  • User Acceptance Testing

Unparalleled Service 

We help reduce costly downtime and keep your system operating at maximum efficiency.

Ask about Mainway’s ongoing lifecycle support and post installation preventative maintenance programs.


of our dedicated project managers

Cost Efficiency

Mainway Handling prioritizes cost-effective solutions, ensuring that your project meets budgetary constraints without compromising on quality.


Our project management services are designed to accommodate the evolving needs of your business, providing scalable solutions that grow with you.

On Time Delivery

Our PM’s services are designed to accommodate the evolving needs of your business, providing scalable solutions that grow with you.

Ensure success with our dedicated project management team